000 Introduction AL, Tallasee, Vincent with foundling AZ, Phoenix, St Agnes church CA, Camarillo, Vincent de Paul window CA, Camarillo, Vincent de Paul's works CA, Irvine, St. Joseph Healthcare System CA, Long Beach, St Barnabas church CA, Los Angeles, SV hospital, Hotel Dieu CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul and Daughters CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul and Gondis CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul and orphans CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul and priests CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul as a galley prisoner CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul at Buglose CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul in glory CA, Los Angeles, Vincent de Paul in Tunis CA, Los Angeles, Vincent with Louis XIII CA, Los Angeles, Vincent with the Sick CA, Montebello, commemorative window CA, Montebello, Vincent de Paul and seminarian CA, Montebello, Vincent de Paul with seminarian CA, Mountain View, Villa Siena Chapel CA, Oakland, St. Jarlath CA, Orcutt, St. Louis de Montfort church CA, Patterson, Sacred Heart Church CA, San Francisco, SVdP church CA, Santa Barbara, Vincent and Jesus preaching CA, Santa Barbara, Vincent de Paul and Jesus helping poor CA, Santa Barbara, Vincent de Paul and poor child CA, Santa Barbara, Vincent with children CA, Saticoy, Sacred Heart church, sacristy CA, Torrance, Nativity parish CO, Denver, St. Joseph church CO, Denver, St. Joseph church, detail CT, East Haven, SV , children CT, New Haven, St. Stanislas CT, Norwalk, St Hugh of Cluny DC, Washington, Our Lady, Queen of the Americas DC, Washington, St. Peter DC, Washington, Vincent de Paul with poor boy DE, New Castloe, Holy Spirit parish FL, Boynton Beach, Seminary FL, Holiday, Vincent de Paul, bread FL, Venice, SVdP Vincent de Paul window 2008 GA, Dallas, SVdP ch GA, Dawsonville GA, Macon, Vincent de Paul IA, Dubuque, St Columbkille, detail IA, Dubuque IA, Earling, St. Joseph church IA, Fairfield, VdP, St. Stephen IA, Sioux City, Holy Cross & Blessed Sacarment IL, Chicago, DPU, Arts and Letters Hall, small IL, Chicago, DPU, Arts and Letters Hall, very large IL, Chicago, DPU, Arts and Letters hall IL, Chicago, DPU, DePaul Center, 5th floor, small IL, Chicago, DPU, DePaul Center, 5th floor, very large IL, Chicago, DPU, Loop chapel, small IL, Chicago, DPU, Loop chapel, very large IL, Chicago, DPU, Richardson Library, dedication IL, Chicago, DPU, Richardson Library, natural light, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, Richardson Library, natural light IL, Chicago, DPU, Richardson Library, small IL, Chicago, DPU, Richardson Library, very large IL, Chicago, DPU, two children, small IL, Chicago, DPU, two children, very large IL, Chicago, Loyola University, Vincent de Paul, social work IL, Chicago, Queen of All Saints Basilica, Vincent de Paul IL, Chicago, St. Andrew parish IL, Chicago, St. Ferdinand, Vincent de Paul IL, Chicago, St. Hedwig church IL, Chicago, St. Joseph Hospital, Vincent de Paul, charity IL, Chicago, St. Vincent parish, Vincent de Paul, bust IL, Chicago, St. Vincent's, Vincent taken to glory, complete IL, Chicago, St. Vincent's, Vincent taken to glory, detail IL, Chicago, Vincent de Paul head IL, Chicago, Vincent de Paul, green IL, Chicago, Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac IL, Chicago, Vincent de Paul, orange IL, Hillside, Detail of Louise de Marillac window IL, Hillside, Queen of Heaven Mausoleum 1 IL, Hillside, Queen of Heaven Mausoleum 2, detail IL, Hillside, Queen of Heaven Mausoleum 3, detail IL, La Salle, Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul IL, Peoria, SVdP Ch IL, Springfield, St. Francis Convent, complete IL, Springfield, St. Francis Convent, detail IN, Evansville, Mater Dei, Vincent de Paul 1 IN, Evansville, Mater Dei, Vincent de Paul 2 IN, Huntington, Victory Noll Chapel IN, Huntington, Victory Noll SVdeP 2 IN, Huntington, Victory Noll SVdP 1 IN, Indianapolis, St. Vincent Hospital IN, South Bend, Notre Dame IN, St. Meinrad Archabbey 1 IN, St. Meinrad Archabbey 2 KS, Aurora, St. Peter's Church KY, Nazareth, VdP among saints LA, New Orleans 1 LA, New Orleans 2 LA, New Orleans 3 LA, New Orleans 4 LA, New Orleans 5 LA, New Orleans 6 LA, New Orleans, St. Joseph Church LA, New Orleans, St. Mary Assumption Church LA, New Orleans, SVdP church, detail LA, New Orleans, SVdP church, signature LA, New Orleans, SVdP parish, 1 LA, New Orleans, SVdP parish, 2 MA, Attleboro, St John Evangelist MA, Boston area, drawing for windows SVdP, John of the Cross, MA, Boston, Carney Hospital MA, Boston, Holy Cross Cathedral, 1876 complete MA, Boston, Holy Cross Cathedral, 1876, detail MA, Boston, Vincent de Paul, cathedral MA, Brockton, Vincent de Paul MA, Wellfleet, O L of Lourdes MD, Baltimore, Seminary chapel MD, Baltimore, SVdP church MD, Cheverley, St. Ambrose MI, Detroit, Blessed Sacrament Church MI, Detroit, Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony, Michigan Stained Glass Census Gift of CMBA Branch 78 MI, Detroit, Charity of Vincent de Paul MI, Detroit, Sacred Heart Seminary MI, Detroit, St. Anne, St Joseph of Calasanz,, Vincent_de_Paul, John of God MI, Detroit, Sweetest Heart of Mary MI, Houghton St. Ignatius Loyola Church MI, Jackson, SVdP with an infant MI, Shepherd, SVdP church, 1915 MN, Little Canada, St John’s Church MN, Minneapolis, Incarnation Church MN, Winona, Sacred Heart Cathedral MO, Cape Girardeau, Old St. Vincent church MO, Cape Girardeau, St. Vincent's parish school MO, Cape Girardeau, Vincent de Paul MO, Cottleville, St. Joseph MO, Creve Coeur, St Richard Church MO, Creve Coeur, St Richard MO, Eureka, Vincent de Paul 2 MO, Perryville, Vincent de Paul, 1 MO, Perryville, Vincent de Paul, 2 MO, Perryville, Vincent de Paul, 3 MO, Perryville, Vincent de Paul, head MO, St Louis, St. Cecilia's MO, St. Louis, Annunziata Church MO, St. Louis, St. Agatha, by Emil Frei MO, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul at prayer with saints MO, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul contemplating crucifix MO, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul welcomes orphans MO, Ste Genevieve, Ste Genevieve’s detail MO, Ste Genevieve, Vincent de Paul MO, Valley Park, Sacred Heart Ch MO, Vincent de Paul, Bonnat, St Louis 1 MO, Vincent de Paul, Bonnat, St Louis 2 MO, Vincent de Paul, Denver-St.Louis MO, Vincent de Paul, Denver, Bracci 2 NJ, Bayonne, Vincent blesses Prisoners NJ, Bayonne, Vincent de Paul preacher NJ, Madison, St. Vincent martyr ch NJ, Newark NJ, Perth Amboy 1, SV as a child NJ, Perth Amboy 2, SV preaching, Folleville NJ, Perth Amboy 3, SV gathering foundlings NJ, Perth Amboy 4, VdP taking chains of prisoner NJ, Perth Amboy 5, VdP and LdM, with children, Sisters NJ, Perth Amboy 6, VdP, Queen Anne of Austria NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul first mass NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul window NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul, galleys NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul, Lux Cleri NJ, Seton Hall Univ window18 NJ, Sisters of Charity, Convent Station NJ, Westville, Vincent de Paul NM, Albuquerque NY, Albany, Christ the King church 1 NY, Albany, Christ the King church 2 NY, Albany, Immaculate Conception 01 NY, Albany, Immaculate Conception 02 NY, Amherst, Vincent de Paul and child NY, Bronx, Mt. St. Vincent NY, Brooklyn, Cursillo Center, 2004 NY, Brooklyn, from St. Peter,-St. Paul-Our Lady Pilar, to 2002 NY, Brooklyn, St Charles Borromeo church NY, Brooklyn, St. John Baptist NY, Brooklyn, St. Stanislaus NY, Brooklyn, Vincent de Paul NY, Buffalo, cathedral NY, Buffalo, St. Margaret parish NY, Buffalo, St. Mary's, 1893 NY, Freeport, Vincent de Paul NY, Ithaca, Sage Chapel, Cornell University NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, SJU 1 NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, SJU 2 NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, SJU 3 NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, SJU 4 NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, SJU 5 NY, New York City, E Seton Pediatric Ctr NY, New York City, Holy Agony, detail NY, New York City, Holy Agony NY, New York City, St. Patrick Cathedral NY, New York City, SV hospital-lobby NY, Niagara University, Alumni Chapel, rose window NY, Niagara University, Alumni Chapel NY, Niagara University, former Meade Hall chapel 1 NY, Niagara University, former Meade Hall chapel 2 NY, Niagara University, former Meade Hall chapel 3 NY, Sisters of Charity, complete NY, Sisters of Charity, detail NY, Spingbrook. SVdP parish NY, Staten Island, SJU, St. Vincent, priest NY, Staten Island, St. John's U, chapel NY, Staten Island, St. John's Univ chapel OH Akron, parish OH, Cincinnati, Saint Francis Seraph Church OH, Cleveland, SVdP ch OH, Columbus, St. Patrick OH, Toledo, Rosary Cathedral 1 OH, Toledo, Rosary Cathedral 2 OH, Toledo, Saint Martin de Porres OH, Westerville, St. Paul the Apostle church PA, Dickson City, Vincent de Paul PA, Germantown 1 PA, Germantown 2 PA, Germantown, CM infirmary detail PA, Germantown, CM infirmary, Lawrence signature PA, Germantown, CM infirmary PA, Germantown, Immaculate Conception rectory PA, Germantown, Immaculate Conception PA, Germantown, tower detail PA, Greensburg, Seton Hill College chapel PA, Hanover, SVdP Church PA, Harrisburg, St. Catherine Labouré, detail PA, Harrisburg, St. Catherine Labouré, main window, complete PA, Latrobe, St. Vincent Benedictine Abbey PA, McKeesport, Vincent de Paul PA, Nanticoke, Vincent de Paul window PA, Philadelphia, Spring Garden St PA, Philadelphia, Vincent de Paul, Fr de Sales PA, Philadelphia, Vincent de Paul, infant in red PA, Pittsburgh, Resurrection Church, Brookline PA, Richboro, Vincent de Paul PA. Olyphant PR, Ponce, Vincent de Paul PR, San Juan, Vincent de Paul PR, Santurce RI, Providence SD, Sioux Falls, Cathedral SD, Sioux Falls, St Joseph’s Cathedral TX, Austin, CSC church SV and J. Chantal TX, Dallas, Vincent de Paul, convent TX, Dallas, Vincent de Paul, Louis de Marillac TX, Dallas, Vincent De Paul TX, Fort Worth, Cathedral TX, Fort Worth, St. Mary of the Assumption church TX, Houston, St Justin Martyr Ch TX, Richardson, St Joseph parish, detail TX, Richardson, three figures TX, Tomball, St Anne USA, MD, Ellicott City, Franciscan Soy Candles USA, St Vincent 33 USA, St. Vincent 01, with cross and child USA, St. Vincent 02 USA, St. Vincent 03, children in green USA, St. Vincent 04, detail USA, St. Vincent 05, detail USA, St. Vincent 06, holding a child USA, St. Vincent 07, holding child USA, St. Vincent 08, with Louise de M, children USA, St. Vincent 11, walking stick USA, St. Vincent 12, with children, bread USA, St. Vincent 13, with crucifix, child USA, St. Vincent 14, women detail USA, St. Vincent 15, detail USA, St. Vincent 16, women, child USA, St. Vincent 17, young, head detail USA, St. Vincent 18 USA, St. Vincent 19 USA, St. Vincent 20 USA, St. Vincent 21 USA, St. Vincent 22 USA, St. Vincent 23 USA, St. Vincent 24 USA, St. Vincent 25 USA, St. Vincent 26, not identified USA, St. Vincent 27, with children USA, St. Vincent 28, with John of the Cross USA, St. Vincent 29, with St. Patrick USA, St. Vincent 30, preaching USA, St. Vincent 31 USA, St. Vincent 32 USA, St. Vincent 33 USA, St. Vincent 34 USA, St. Vincent 35 USA, St. Vincent 36, St Paul church, 2011 USA, St. Vincent 37, three saints USA, St. Vincent 38 USA, St. Vincent 39 USA, St. Vincent 40 USA, St. Vincent 41 USA, St. Vincent 42 USA, St. Vincent 43 USA, St. Vincent 44 USA, St. Vincent 45 UT, Salt Lake City, cathedral UT, Salt Lake City, SVdP school VA, Chesapeake, St. Stephen parish, SVdP holding bishop's crest amd miter VA, Newport News, St Vincent, poor VA, Portsmouth VA, Potomac Falls, Vincent de Paul the preacher VA, Richmond, cathedral of Sacred Heart WA, Federal Way WA, Seattle, Holy Family WA, West Seattle, Holy Rosary WI, Milwaukee, Gesu church, Vincent de Paul with a child WI, Milwaukee, St. Fr. Assisi Ch., Vincent de Paul and children WI, Milwaukee, St. Vincent de Paul WI, Springbrook, SVdP parish, WI, Superior, Christ the King Cathedral, detail WI, Superior, Christ the King Cathedral WV, Wheeling