AK, Juneau CA, Camarillo, SJS, Vincent de Paul portrait CA, Los Altos Hills, Vincent oval CA, Montebello, stone wall CA, Montebello CT, West Hartford, Vincent bust CT, West Hartford, Vincent de Paul, gold background DC, Washington, Peter Gray 1, portrait DC, Washington, Peter Gray 2, 2020 IL, Chicago, DPU, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, Mona Wilson painting IL, Chicago, DPU, photo mural 1 IL, Chicago, DPU, photo mural 2 IL, Chicago, DPU, photo mural 3, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, photo mural 4, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, photo mural 5, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, SV writing IL, Chicago, DPU, VdP at a crib,1974 George Prout (1913-2016) IL, Chicago, DPU, VdP with rays, short beard IL, Chicago, DPU, Vincent bust, charcoal IL, Chicago, DPU, Vincent de Paul and DePaul logo IL, Chicago, DPU, Vincent de Paul and University logo IL, Chicago, DPU, Vincent de Paul mural, detail IL, Chicago, DPU, Vincent head, charcoal 1 IL, Chicago, DPU. Vincentian Studies Institute IL, Chicago, Elder 1 IL, Chicago, Elder 2 Vincent as Seen by Magritte-a IL, Chicago, St. Clement IL, Chicago, Young Vincent de Paul MD, Emmitsburg, Vincent de Paul, on tin MO, Perryville, Vincent de Paul head MO, St Louis, Arsenal MO, St. Louis, Digital Watercolor.SSVdP USA MO, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul, blue NJ, Cape May, portrait, signed Piccolo NJ, Princeton, Vincent head NY, Albany, DC house NY, Albany, DePaul House NY, Jamaica, Mallick portrait NY, Jamaica, St. John's University, Vincent and city NY, Jamaica, Vincent de Paul, orange background OH, Cincinnati, Sisters of Charity school PA, Germantown, 2 PA, Germantown, Vincent de Paul in biretta, alt PA, Germantown, Vincent de Paul, biretta PA, Germantown, Vincent de Paul, restored version PA, Northampton, Vincent de Paul head USA 01, Vincent and large hands USA 02, Vincent de Paul, blue background USA 03, Vincent de Paul, Fool for Christ USA 04, Vincent de Paul, head, blue background USA 05, Vincent de Paul, holding book USA 06, Vincent de Paul, Maria Liebeck USA 07, Vincent de Paul, young USA 08, Vincent portrait, LaCapria USA 09, Vincent de Paul, by John Genuard USA 10, Vincent de Paul, by Mona Nelson Scotsdale AZ USA 11, Vincent de Paul, by Mona Nelson USA 12, by Mona Nelson USA 13, portrait with text USA 14, by Sheryl Cozad USA 15 USA 16, David Larkin USA 17 USA 18, copyrighted USA 19, watercolor by Leigha Liuzza.pg USA 20, by Matthew Smith USA 21, presentation gift, with roses USA 22, digital composition