Germany, Vincent de Paul with priests, Sisters Histoire Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul gathering alms for foundlings Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul gathering foundlings Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul helping flood victims Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul in queen's palace Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul offers help for Lorraine Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul, chaplain of the galleys Histoire, Fr-Sp, Vincent de Paul, preaching at Court Louis XIII, watercolor sketch Poland, Vincent de Paul evangelizing Soubre, Vincent de Paul at deathbed of Louis XIII Translation of relics of Vincent de Paul, 1830 Vincent de Paul accepts orphans Vincent de Paul and galley prisoners Vincent de Paul and Louis XIII Vincent de Paul and the vision of the globes Vincent de Paul and Tuesday Conferences 1, DPU Vincent de Paul and Tuesday Conferences 2, DPU Vincent de Paul as a boy, with pigs Vincent de Paul at Gannes Vincent de Paul at Tuesday Conference Vincent de Paul blesses Sisters, foundlings Vincent de Paul blesses Sisters, Louise de Marillac Vincent de Paul blessing poor from heaven Vincent de Paul captured Vincent de Paul cares for war wounded Vincent de Paul chains of a prisoner Vincent de Paul commends orphans to Ladies Vincent de Paul consoling prisoners Vincent de Paul counsels a galley convict Vincent de Paul dying Vincent de Paul escorts elderly man Vincent de Paul for sale as a slave Vincent de Paul gives rules to Louise de Marillac Vincent de Paul in Dax with Franciscans Vincent de Paul instructing poor Vincent de Paul leaving Clichy Vincent de Paul on galley Vincent de Paul pleading for galley prisoner Vincent de Paul preaches to galley prisoners Vincent de Paul presents foundling to Sister Vincent de Paul presents orphans, Sister Vincent de Paul taken to heaven Vincent de Paul taking chains of a galley prisoner Vincent de Paul wirh infants, Sister Vincent de Paul with children, Daughter of Charity Vincent de Paul with foundlings, Sisters, black and white Vincent de Paul with foundlings, Sisters, color Vincent de Paul with infant, Sisters Vincent de Paul with Ladies of Charity, Sisters, orphans Vincent de Paul with Louise, First Sisters, DPU Vincent de Paul with orphans at table Vincent de Paul, 07 Vincent de Paul, galley prisoners