Austria, Graz, Provincial house Austria, Graz Austria, Vienna, Gumpendorf 1 Austria, Vienna, Gumpendorf 2 Austria, Vienna, Vincent and crucifix Brazil, Belo Horizonte Colombia, Vincent de Paul and crucifix Cuba, Havana, La Inmaculada, little finger raised France, Amiens, contemplating crucifix, Crauk France, Amiens France, Bellême Hospital France, Folleville, presbytere France, Lyons cathedral, St. Rita de Cascia France, Paris, Irish College France, Paris, rdSevres, Vincent with cross, medal France, Paris, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, detail France, Paris, Vincent de Paul contemplates crucifix, 1 France, Paris, Vincent de Paul contemplates France, Paris, Vincent de Paul contemplating crucifix, 3 France, Paris, Vincent de Paul contemplating France, Paris, Vincent de Paul gazes at crucifix France, Paris, Vincent de Paul with crucifix, preaching France, Seurre (Cote-d'Or), parish St Martin France, Valfleury, Vincent de Paul with crucifix France, Versailles, chateau, by Charlotte Toullet 1870-a France, Versailles France, Villepreux, Vincent de Paul preaching, detail France, Villepreux, Vincent de Paul preaching France, Vincent de Paul with crucifix France, Vincent de Paul, holding crucifix Germany, Munich 1 Germany, Munich 2 Germany, Munich, detail Germany, VdP with crucifix Greece, Thessalonika, Vincent de Paul Ireland, Phibsborough Italy, Acqui diocese Italy, Agrigento diocese Italy, Bari-Bitonto diocese oval Italy, Bari-Bitonto diocese, 2 Italy, Bari-Bitonto diocese Italy, Bergamo diocese, by Pietro Gualdi Lodrini Italy, Bergamo, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 06, mural decoration Italy, Bisceglie, Vincent de Paul preaching Italy, Bologna, SVdP preaching with crucifix Italy, Bovino Italy, Cagliari 1881, detail in frame Italy, Cagliari 1881, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, detail Italy, Cagliari, 1881 Italy, Cagliari, La Marina Italy, Cagliari, provincial house Italy, Capua diocese Italy, Casale Monferrato Italy, Catania diocese Italy, Como, Vincent de Paul contemplates crucifix, detail Italy, Conversano-Monopoli Italy, Costagliola d'Asti Vincent de Paul. jpg Italy, Cuneo diocese Italy, Fermo 1 Italy, Fermo diocese Italy, Ferrara, ch. of San Gregorio, SVdP with crucifix Italy, Frascati diocese Italy, Genoa diocese, 1740-60 Italy, Genoa, Galliera hospital Italy, Imola diocese Italy, Lecce, Vincent de Paul, crucifix Italy, Lendinara, San Giuseppe church Italy, Modena and Nonantola, Vincent de Paul and crucifix Italy, Naples area Italy, Naples, oval Italy, Naples, St. Restituta parish, anonymous Italy, Naples, Vincent de Paul praying, crucifix Italy, Naples, Vincent de Paul prays Italy, Naples, Vincent de paul preaching, crucifix Italy, Naples, Vincent de Paul shows crucifix Italy, Novara diocese Italy, Orvieto diocese Italy, Otranto 1, 1818 Italy, Otranto 2 Italy, Otranto 3, diocese Italy, Otranto, 4, Giovanni Grassi Italy, Otranto, 5, tempera Italy, Padua diocese, with rosary Italy, Palermo, Chapel of Oratory of Charity Italy, Parma diocese Italy, Piacenza, Alberoni, SVdP with crucifix Italy, Pisa diocese Italy, Rapagnano (AP) Italy, Rimini diocese Italy, Rome, General curia Italy, Rome, S. Prassede, Ch. Borromeo with crucifix Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul and crucifix Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul contemplates crucifix Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul praching Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul preaching with crucifix Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 1 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 1 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 2 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 3 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 4 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 5 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 6 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2, edited 7 Italy, Rome, Vincent de Paul, crucifix 2 Italy, Salerno diocese, Acerno parish Italy, Scarnafigi, Vincent de Paul, crucifix Italy, Sermoneta, palazzo comunale, SVdP preaching Italy, Sermoneta, palazzo comunale Italy, Siena, prayer, edited 1 Italy, Siena, prayer, edited 2 Italy, Siena, prayer Italy, St. Jerome Emiliani Italy, Sulmona diocese Italy, Terni diocese 2 Italy, Terni diocese Italy, Turin, VdP with crucifix, name Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul preaching with crucifix Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul weeps with crucifix, detail Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul weeps with crucifix Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul with crucifix Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul, crucifix and heart Italy, Turin, Vincent de Paul, crucifix Italy, Ugento diocese, Santa Maria di Leuca Italy, Ventimiglia diocese Italy, Ventimiglia, San Remo, edited 1 Italy, Ventimiglia, San Remo, edited 2 Italy, Ventimiglia, San Remo, edited 3 Italy, Ventimiglia, San Remo Italy, Verona, Vincent de Paul, heart and crucifix Italy, Viano Cremasco, parish church, SVdP with crucifix Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 01 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 03 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 04 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 05, skull Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 06 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 07, (missing) Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 10 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix 12 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, 08 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, 09 Italy, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, 10 Italy, VIncent de Paul and crucifix, 11, with CM emblem Italy, Volterra diocese, SVdP and crucifix, enlarged Lebanon, Antoura Lithuania, VdP with crucifix Lithuania, VdP Poland, Bydgoszcz, refectory Poland, Chelmno, Vincent contemplating crucifix Poland, Chelmno, Vincent de Paul preaching, gold frame Poland, Chelmno, Vincent de Paul preaching Poland, Krakow sacristy, Vincent and crucifix Poland, Krakow, Vincent with crucifix Poland, Krakow, CM provincial house 1 Poland, Krakow, DC provincial house 1 Poland, Krakow, Kleparz house Poland, Krakow, Kleparz Poland, Krakow, Vincent de Paul preaching Poland, Krakow, Vincent de Paul with crucifix Poland, Krzeszowice 1 Poland, Lublin, Diocesan seminary Poland, Siedlce, diocesan museum Poland, Skwierzyna, St. Nicholas parish Poland, St. Casimir, the king, with crucifix Poland, Tenczynek, composite in Spanish Poland, Tenczynek Poland, Vincent and crucifix Poland, Vincent in glory with crucifix Poland, Warsaw, DC provincial house 1 Poland, Warsaw, DC provincial house 2 Poland, Warsaw, main altar Poland, Warsaw, Vincent de Paul oval Portugal, Faro Portugal, Lisbon, Vincent de Paul, crucifix Portugal, Lisbon Slovakia, Bratislava, Vincent, child, cross Slovenia, Celje, Vincent de Paul contemplates crucifix Spain, Espluga de Francoli Spain, Madrid, DC, SV Spain, Madrid, Vincent de Paul and crucifix Spain, Madrid, Vincent de Paul preaching Spain, Palma de Mallorca, Santa Cruz Spain, Palma de Mallorca, Vincent preaching Spain, Seville, Vincent de Paul preaching Spain, St. John of Avila, with crucifix Spain, VdP with crucifix, book, CM emblem Spain, Zaragoza museum, Vincent preaching Spain, Zaragoza, Vincent de Paul preaching, detail Turkey, Burgaz Island, watercolor Turkey, Istanbul, St. Vincent and cross Ukraine, Perechin, without crucifix USA, AZ, Phoenix USA, LA, New Orleans, Francis Xavier USA, MD, Emmitsburg USA, MO, Perryville, Vincent, monstrance USA, NJ, Princeton, Vincent de Paul altar piece USA, NY, Brooklyn, St. Stanislaus USA, PA, Germantown, SV church USA, PA, Germantown, Vincent de Paul peaching USA, PA, Germantown, Vincent de Paul, preacher USA, Princeton, Vincent de Paul with crucifix USA, TX, Austin USA, TX, San Antonio, Vincent and crucifix Vincent de Paul 01, contemplating crucifix Vincent de Paul 02, crucifix, 1921 Vincent de Paul 03, showing crucifix Vincent de Paul 04, venerating crucifix Vincent de Paul 05, crucifix Vincent de Paul 06, and crucifix Vincent de Paul 07, crucifix Vincent de Paul 08, venerating the crucifix Vincent de Paul 09 Vincent de Paul 10, small crucifix Vincent de Paul 11, large crucifix Vincent de Paul 12, complete Vincent de Paul 13, contemplating the crucifix Vincent de Paul 14, preaching Vincent de Paul 15, preaching, violet stole Vincent de Paul 16, contemplating the crucifix Vincent de Paul 17, standing Vincent de Paul 18, ceiling painting, with children Vincent de Paul 19, crucifix Vincent de Paul 20, crucifix Vincent de Paul 21, crucifix, preaching