Images, COVID, charity MT 001, Advent 1, SVdP, Portuguese MT 002, Advent 1, SVdP, Spanish MT 003, Advent 2, SVdP, English, no text MT 004, Advent 2, SVdP, Portuguese MT 006, Advent 2, SVdP, Spanish MT 007, Advent 3, treasures of grace, no text MT 008, Advent 3, treasures of grace, Portuguese MT 009, see MT 010 MT 010, Children and SVdP 1 MT 011, Children and SVdP 2 MT 012, Children and SVdP 3 MT 013, Children and SVdP 4, feast day greetings MT 014, Children and SVdP 5 MT 015, Christian vocations 1 MT 016, Christian vocations 2 MT 017, Christian vocations 3 MT 018, Christmas, SVdP, Holy Family, no text MT 019, Christmas, SVdP, Holy Family MT 020, Extraordinary Missionary month 1 MT 021, Extraordinary Missionary month 2 MT 022, FamVin Missionary month 1 MT 023, FamVin Missionary month 2 MT 024, FamVin Missionary month 3.jpMT 001, g MT 025, FamVin Missionary month 4 MT 026, FamVin Missionary week MT 027, Game of life 1 MT 028, Game of life 2 MT 029, Game of life 3 MT 030, Game of life 4 MT 031, Game of life, small, Portuguese MT 032, Game of life, small, Spanish MT 033, Lent 2020, 1, Ash Wednesday MT 034, Lent 2020, 2, Ash Wednesday, no text MT 035, Lent 2020, 3, Ash Wednesday MT 036, Lent 2020, 4, Ash Wednesday, no text MT 037, Lent 2020, 5, Ash Wednesday, SVdP in purple MT 038, Mission and Question 1 MT 039, Mission and Question 2 MT 040, Mission, fraternity, charity to the poor MT 041, Mission, Vincentian mission cross, 1 MT 042, Mission, Vincentian mission cross, 2 MT 043, Missionaries, coloring page MT 044, Mortification 1 MT 045, Mortification 2 MT 046, New Year, 2020, no background MT 047, New Year, 2020, no text MT 048, New Year, 2020, Portuguese MT 049, Our Lady of Aparecida with SVdP MT 050, Our Lady of Grace with SVdP MT 051, Our Lady of Grace, with Society of SVdP logo MT 052, Our Lady of Grace, CM emblem MT 053, Our Lady of Grace, Miraculous Medal Association (AMM) MT 054, Our Lady of Grace, MISEVI (Vincentian Missionaries) MT 055, Our Lady of Grace, MISEVI, SVdP MT 056, Our Lady of Grace, MISEVI, SVdP MT 057, Our Lady of Grace, Society of SVdP emblem MT 058, Our Lady of Grace, with SVdP, and Religious of SVdP MT 059, Our Lady of Grace, with Vincentian Marian Youth emblem MT 060, Our Lady of Mercy, St. Louise, Daughters of Charity MT 061, Pope Francis and SVdP MT 062, Religious of SVdP, no text MT 063, Religious of SVdP, text MT 064, Simplicity, Vincentian virtue 1 MT 065, Simplicity, Vincentian virtue 2 MT 066, SVdP and a Vincentian cross, English, French MT 067, SVdP and a Vincentian cross, for coloring MT 068, SVdP and a Vincentian cross, Italian MT 069, SVdP and a Vincentian cross, Spanish MT 070, SVdP and charity, no text MT 071, SVdP and the Bible, 1 MT 072, SVdP and the Bible, 2 MT 073, SVdP and the Bible, 3, for coloring MT 074, SVdP at Christmas, with the Holy Family MT 075, SVdP from the back, 1 MT 076, SVdP from the back, 2 MT 077, SVdP from the back, 3 MT 078, SVdP from the back, 4, English MT 079, SVdP from the back, 5, Spanish MT 080, SVdP from the back, to evangelize a city MT 081, SVdP holding a ball, letter V MT 082, SVdP in chasuble, preaching (1) MT 083, SVdP in chasuble, preaching (2) MT 084, SVdP on conversation, 1 MT 085, SVdP on conversation, 2 MT 086, SVdP on prayer, 1 MT 087, SVdP on prayer MT 088, SVdP smiling at the crucifix MT 089, SVdP with a poor man 1 MT 090, SVdP with a poor man 2 MT 091, SVdP with a priest, 1 MT 092, SVdP with a priest, 2 MT 093, SVdP with children 1 MT 094, SVdP with children 2 MT 095, SVdP with children 3 MT 096, SVdP with Common Rules 1 MT 097, SVdP with Common Rules 2 MT 098, SVdP with Common Rules 3 MT 099, SVdP, a state of love, 1 MT 100, SVdP, a state of love, 2 MT 101, SVdP, a state of love, 3 MT 102, SVdP, asking for help, no text MT 103, SVdP, billboard, Faith, Portuguese MT 104, SVdP, billboard, Faith, Spanish MT 105, SVdP, billboard, text MT 106, SVdP, billboard, with crucifix MT 107, SVdP, bringing food, text MT 108, SVdP, bringing food MT 109, SVdP, care of the poor, no label MT 110, SVdP, care of the poor, no text MT 111, SVdP, care of the poor MT 112, SVdP, child care MT 113, SVdP, doing good, 1 MT 114, SVdP, doing good, 2 MT 115, SVdP, doing good, 3 MT 116, SVdP, doing good MT 117, SVdP, Friend of the poor, 1 MT 118, SVdP, Friend of the poor, 2 MT 119, SVdP, how to love, 1 MT 120, SVdP, how to love, 2 MT 121, SVdP, humility, charity MT 122, SVdP, humility, simplicity MT 123, SVdP, Let's be Vincentian MT 124, SVdP, meekness, charity MT 125, SVdP, on map of Brazil MT 126, SVdP, praying 1 MT 127, SVdP, praying 2 MT 128, SVdP, praying 3, Spanish text MT 129, SVdP, praying 4, no text MT 130, SVdP, preaching, gold stole, 1 MT 131, SVdP, preaching, gold stole, 2 MT 132, SVdP, preaching, green stole 1 MT 133, SVdP, preaching, green stole 2 MT 134, SVdP, preaching, red stole MT 135, SVdP, preaching, rose stole MT 136, SVdP, preaching, violet stole MT 137, SVdP, preaching, white stole MT 138, SVdP, singing, 1 MT 139, SVdP, singing, 2 MT 140, SVdP, soup kitchen, no text MT 141, SVdP, soup kitchen, text MT 142, SVdP, virtue of zeal, 1 MT 143, SVdP, virtue of zeal, 2 MT 144, Thank you for helping MT 145, Time is short, 1 MT 146, Time is short, 2 MT 147, Vincent with a sufferer MT 148, Vincent with a sufferer MT 149, Vincent text, to give the heart MT 150, Vincent, offering his love, Spain DC MT 151, Vincentian beatitude, no text 1 MT 152,Vincentian beatitude, no text 2 MT 153, Vincentian beatitude, no text 3 MT 154, Vincentian beatitude MT 155, Vincentian charity MT 156, Vincentian faith and charity MT 157, Vincentian Family, Be holy as I am holy 1 MT 158, Vincentian Family, Be holy as I am holy 2 MT 159, Vincentian followers of Jesus MT 160, Vincentian hope MT 161, Vincentian inspiration MT 162, Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY), St. Catherine Labouré MT 163, Vincentian Marian Youth, St. Catherine Labouré 1 MT 164, Vincentian Marian Youth, St. Catherine Labouré 2 MT 165, Vincentian Marian Youth, St. Catherine Labouré and Blessed Virgin MT 166, Vincentian Marian Youth, SVdP and Blessed Virgin MT 167, Vincentian missionary 1 MT 168, Vincentian missionary 2 MT 169, Vincentian missionary 3 MT 170, Vincentian missionary label 1 MT 171, Vincentian missionary, label 2 MT 172, Vincentian morning prayer MT 173, Vincentian motives, no text MT 174, Vincentian motives, text MT 175, Vincentian passion MT 176, Vincentian signposts, the way is Christ MT 177, Vincentian Virtue 4 MT 178, Vincentian virtues 1 MT 179, Vincentian virtues 2 MT 180, Vincentian virtues 3 MT 181, Vincentian Vocation, 1 MT 182, Vincentian Vocation, 2 MT 183, Virtue of faith MT 184, October MT 185, Faith MT 186, Being Vincentian, road signs MT 187, bringing food MT 188, praying the rosary MT 189, Feastday greetings MT 190, Vincentian mission MT 191, AIC, SVdP and the Blessed Virgin