Paris Aire, Vincent de Paul with book Albi, Ste Cecile Alise Ste Reine Amiens, Sacre Coeur Amiens, Saint Anne Annecy, basilica, complete Annecy, basilica, Francis de Sales with Vincent de Paul Arcachon (Gironde), Notre-Dame Argenteuil, Saint-Denys Arras, Jeunes aveugles Arras, St. Vaast, Maison diocesaine Arras, St. Vaast, Vincent de Paul with Richelieu Arue, (Landes) Assy, Notre Dame de Toute Grace, 1950 Assy, Notre Dame, 1939 Athis-Mons (Essonne) Aubervilliers, Notre-Dame-des-Vertus Bacilly, St Etienne Bar-le-Duc (Meuse) Notre-Dame Bar-le-Duc, St-Étienne Bayeux (Calvados), with Francis de Sales Beaugency, Loiret). Notre Dame abbey, beatitude, the merciful, 1946-a Bégaar (Landes) Begles, Bon Secours Belleme (Orne) Belley, Ars Berceau 00, praying as a boy Berceau 01, almsgiving as a boy Berceau 02, in Tunis Berceau 03, preaching on galley Berceau 04, Tunisian captivity Berceau 05, on battlefield Berceau 06, sending out Missioners Berceau 07, Sisters of Visitation Berceau 08, vision of globes Berceau 09, Ladies and Foundlings Berceau 10, collecting alms for the poor Berceau 11, Name of Jesus hospice Berceau 12, with Sisters and children Berceau 13, Council of Conscience Berceau 14, Deathbed of Louis XIII Berceau 15, Teaching children Berceau 16, Folleville sermon Berceau 17, Tuesday Conferences Berceau 18, Cardinal approves rules Berceau 19, Distributing rules to Missioners Berceau 20, Distributing rules to Sisters Berceau 21, death Berceau 23, translation of relics, 1830 Berceau 24, blessing works from heaven Berceau SVdP, chapel, complete Berceau SVdP, chapel, detail Berceau SVdP, Vincent de Paul at mass, detail Bernay, Vincent de Paul blesses his works Berre-les-Alpes (Alpes Maritimes) Bias Bidache (Landes), with cross and infant Bidache, Vincent de Paul with children Biozat, St Symphorien Biscarosse, St. Martin Bordeaux, St Louis Bordeaux, St-Eloi Bordeaux, St. Eloi Bordeaux, Vincent de Paul Bourg en Bresse (Rhone-Alpes), cocathedral Bourg la Reine, Saint Gilles Bourges, Notre Dame Church 2 Bourges, Notre Dame Church Bretagne-de-Marsan, Vincent holding child Bréviandes (Aube) 1 Bréviandes (Aube) 2.jpg Bréviandes (Aube) 3.jpg Bréviandes (Aube) 4 Brioude, Basilica St Julien Brive-la-Gaillarde, St. Martin Brocas (Landes_ Bû, Notre-Dame Buglose, circle Buglose, rose window Buglose, Vincent de Paul celebrates mass Buzançais (Indre), Sacred Heart church Cagnotte (Landes), abbey Church of Notre Dame de Conheta Calais, Ste Germaine church Candresse (Landes) Cauterets parish Cazalis, St Laurent church Cestos (Gironde) Chantilly, ND de l'Assomption Chanzeau Chapelle Pen Bron (Loire-Atlantique) Chateau-Chinon (Nievre), Saint Romain Chateau-l'Evèque 1 complete Château-l'Evêque 2, complete Château-l'Evêque 3, complete Château-l'Evêque, gathering poor Château-l'Evêque, glorification of VdP Château-l'Evêque, ordination Chateau-l'Evêque, Vincent de Paul arriving Chateau-l'Evêque, Vincent de Paul shepherd Chateau-l'Evêque, Vincent de Paul teaching catechism Château-l'Evêque, Vincent praying as a boy Chateaudun, Sisters' chapel Chateaulin, Saint Idunet church Chateaulin, St. Idunet, dual window Chatillon 01 Chatillon 02 Chatillon 03 Chatillon 04 Chatillon 05 Chatillon 06 Chatillon 07 Chatillon 08, poster Chaumont en Vexin, St Jean Baptiste Chaumont en Vexin Chavagne (Vendé)Saint-Martin-Intérieur-Vitrail-29 Chevilly-Larue parish Chirens, Vincent de Paul, foundlings Clèdes (Landes) Clermont (Landes) Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-du-Dome), viaticum of SVdP Clermont-Ferrand, Ste Jeanne d'Arc parish Clichy 01 SVdP window, detail Clichy 02, SVdP window, post card Clichy 03, SVdP window Clichy 04, Vincent de Paul installed as pastor Clichy 05, Vincent de Paul baptizing Clichy 06, Vincent de Paul helps flood victims Clichy 07, alt. Clichy 08, Vincent de Paul installed as pastor, var Clichy 09, VIncent de Paul meets Louise de Marillac Clichy 10, Vincent de Paul planting, var Clichy 11, alt., Vincent de Paul plants tree Clichy 12, Vincent de Paul, horseback Clichy 13, alt., Vincent de Paul, hoseback, var Clichy 14, Vincent preaches Clichy 15, alt. Clichy, College Soeur Marguerite, detail Commentry (Allier) Corsica, Vincent de Paul on galley Coudures (Landes) Criel-sur-Mer (Seine-Maritime), three panels Croissy-sur-Seine (Yvelines) St. Leonard church Dammartin-en-Goële, St Jean-Baptiste Dax, Cathedral Dax, Saint Vincent de Xaintes Dijon, Notre-Dame Dourdan Dumes (Landes) Eaubonne, Vincent de Paul Eaux-Bonnes (Pyr. Atl) Saint-Jean-Baptiste Enghien les Bains, St. Joseph parish Epernay, Notre Dame Ermenonville (Oise), Saint Martin Etrechy Fain-les-Moutiers complete Fain-les-Moutiers, detail Faverges de la Tour Florac, Vincent de Paul with crucifix Florac, Vincent de Paul, complee Folleville, historical window complete Folleville, Vincent preaching Fontainebleau Vincent de Paul Fontainebleau, SVdP and DC Fontainebleau, Vincent de Paul at Mass, Globes.jpg Fraïsse-sur-Agoût (Hérault) Saint-Jean-Baptiste-_Vitraux_-08-OK France, one child, dono'r s head below France, VdP, Strasbourg Sisters France, Vincent de Paul (spelled Paule), cross and child France, Vincent de Paul 001, contemplating crucifix France, Vincent de Paul 002, double, works of charity France, Vincent de Paul 003, galleys France, Vincent de Paul 004, works France, Vincent de Paul 005, with a child France, Vincent de Paul 006-a France, Vincent de Paul 006, 1994 France, Vincent de Paul 007, Vincent and works France, Vincent de Paul 008, holding child France, Vincent de Paul 009, with children France, Vincent de Paul 010 France, Vincent de Paul 011 France, Vincent de Paul 012 France, Vincent de Paul 013 France, Vincent de Paul 014 France, Vincent de Paul 015 France, Vincent de Paul 016 France, Vincent de Paul 017 France, Vincent de Paul 018 France, Vincent de Paul 019 France, Vincent de Paul 020-a, complete France, Vincent de Paul 020, detail France, Vincent de Paul 021 France, Vincent de Paul 022 France, Vincent de Paul 023 France, Vincent de Paul 024 France, Vincent de Paul 025 France, Vincent de Paul 026 France, Vincent de Paul 027 France, Vincent de Paul 028 France, Vincent de Paul 029 France, Vincent de Paul 030 France, Vincent de Paul 031 France, Vincent de Paul 032 France, Vincent de Paul 033 France, Vincent de Paul 034 France, Vincent de Paul 035 France, Vincent de Paul 036 France, Vincent de Paul 037 France, Vincent de Paul 038, detail France, Vincent de Paul 039 France, VIncent de Paul 040 France, Vincent de Paul 041 France, Vincent de Paul 042 France, Vincent de Paul 043 France, Vincent de Paul 044 France, Vincent de Paul 045 France, Vincent de Paul 046 France, Vincent de Paul 047 France, Vincent de Paul 048 France, Vincent de Paul 049, painted glass France, Vincent de Paul 050, at the deathbed of Louis XIII France, Vincent de Paul 051, panel of five saints France, Vincent de Paul 052, detail France, Vincent de Paul 053 France, Vincent de Paul 054, Chatillon, Confraternity of Charity France, Vincent de Paul 055, Daily Bread, with Vincent and Louise France, Vincent de Paul 056 France, Vincent de Paul 057 France, Vincent de Paul 058 France, Vincent de Paul 059 France, Vincent de Paul 060 France, Vincent de Paul 061 France, Vincent de Paul 062 France, Vincent de Paul 063 France, Vincent de Paul 064 France, Vincent de Paul 065 France, Vincent de Paul 066, historical rounds France, Vincent de Paul 067, detail France, Vincent de Paul 068, octagonal scenes France, Vincent de Paul 069, taking the chains of a convict France, Vincent de Paul 070, foundlings, Sister France, Vincent de Paul 071, Maumejean studios France, Vincent de Paul 072 France, Vincent de Paul 073 France, Vincent de Paul 074 France, Vincent de Paul 075 France, Vincent de Paul 076 France, Vincent de Paul 077, detail France, Vincent de Paul 078, detail France, Vincent de Paul 079, detail France, Vincent de Paul 080 France, Vincent de Paul 081 France, Vincent de Paul 082, orphans, 1884 France, Vincent de Paul 083 France, Vincent de Paul 084 France, Vincent de Paul 085 France, Vincent de Paul 086 France, Vincent de Paul 087 France, Vincent de Paul 088 France, Vincent de Paul 089 France, Vincent de Paul 090 France, Vincent de Paul 091, two panels France, Vincent de Paul 092 France, Vincent de Paul 093 France, Vincent de Paul 094 France, Vincent de Paul 095, with Francis de Sales France, Vincent de Paul 096, with Daughter of Charity, abandoned child France, Vincent de Paul 097 France, Vincent de Paul 098--see 082 France, Vincent de Paul 099, after Monsiau, with two children France, Vincent de Paul 100 France, Vincent de Paul 101, two children, blue cassock France, Vincent de Paul 102, brown, one child France, Vincent de Paul 103, rose, holding hat, France, Vincent de Paul 104 France, Vincent de Paul 105, holding child and crucifix France, Vincent de Paul 106 France, Vincent de Paul 107, Father of the Poor France, Vincent de Paul 108, three children France, Vincent de Paul 109, seated, two children France, Vincent de Paul 110, one boy France, Vincent de Paul 111, one child (see 112) France, Vincent de Paul 112, one child (see 111) France, Vincent de Paul 113, Sisters, handicapped man France, Vincent de Paul 114, one child France, Vincent de Paul 115, young Vincent France, Vincent de Paul 116, oval France, Vincent de Paul 117, two children France, Vincent de Paul 118 France, Vincent de Paul 119 France, Vincent de Paul 120, French saints France, Vincent de Paul 121, with another saint France, Vincent de Paul 122 France, Vincent de Paul 123 France, Vincent de Paul 124 France, Vincent de Paul 125 (see 124) France, Vincent de Paul 126, scenes from canonization paintings France, Vincent de Paul 127, helping galley prisoner France, Vincent de Paul 128 France, Vincent de Paul 129 Fresnes, St. Eloi church Gamarde-les-Bains (Landes) Geaume (perhaps) Genevilliers, Vincent de Paul, 1 Gensac la Pallue Gentilly 01, going to Bicetre Gentilly 02, going to Bicetre Gex, parish Gex, Tougin hospice Vincent de Paul Gourbera Saint Vincent Gramat (Lot) Gresse-en-Vercors Gunth collection, Paris, 037 Gunth collection, Paris, 179 Gunth collection, Paris, 180 Hagetmau, rose window Hans, parish Heilly (Somme) Herblay, Saint-Martin Herblay, St. Vincent holding child, detail Herm (Landes) Issor (Pyr-Atl) Vincent de Paul holding child La Chapelle-Montligeon (Orne), Basilica ND, complete La Chapelle-Montligeon (Orne), Basilica ND La Fleche, fragment 1 La Fleche, fragment 2 La Roche-sur-Foron (Doubs), Sisters of Charity chapel La Rochelle cathedral 1 La Rochelle cathedral 2 La Souterraine (Creuse) La Teste (Gironde), parish St Vincent de Vignerons Lahosse (Landes) Langres Cathedral, Vincent with children Le Freney Le Havre, SVdP Church Le Havre Le Perreux sur Marne Le Tronchet (Ille-et-Vil) ND du Tronchet Lestrem Levallois-Perret Lèves (Eure-et-Loir) Levignacq St-Martin Lézigné, Vincent de Paul catechizing in farm house Lille, Vincent de Paul, Jean Vianney, complete Lille, Vincent de Paul, Jean Vianney, detail Lourdes, Vincent de Paul, orphanage Loures-Barousse (Hts Pyr) Saint-Roch Lyons, Saint-Denis-de-la-Croix-Rousse Lyons, St Paul 2 (see 3) Lyons, St Paul 3 (see 2) Lyons, St. Paul 1, Vincent de Paul and foundlings Macon Marseilles, St Louis ch Marseilles, SVdP church (Les Réformés) Masevaux, Saint-Martin Meaux, Seine et Marne Melesse (Ille et Villaine) Mers Les Bains, St Martin Mespuits, Vincent de Paul, children Metz, SS Simon, Jude Metz, Vincent de Paul, fragment Mezos, St Jean Baptiste Mimizan, ND de l'Assomption Misson (Landes), parish Mitry-Mory (Seine et Marne, Saint-Martin Mont-de-Marsan, St. Médard church Montargis, La Madeleine Montbron (Charente), Vincent de Paul Monterfil (Ille-et-Vilaine), SVdP and Francis de Sales Montety, St. VdP Church Montivilliers (Seine-Maritime) Montmirail, VdP addressing Ladies of Charity Montmirail, Vincent de Paul preaching in Montmirail Montolieu, St. André parish Montreal, Vincent de Paul with Louise, Strasbourg habit Morcenx, SVdP parish, rose Morcenx, SVdP parish Mortagne-au-Perche (Orne), N-D, 1972 Moulins, Saint-Martin Moutiers SJ, Vincent and poor Mugron (Landes) Mugron (perh) Vincent de Paul and children Mulhouse, Reeberg Mulhouse, St. Etienne Nancy, Gunth 173 Nancy, Gunth 267 Nancy, Gunth 268 Nancy, Gunth 269 Nancy, Gunth 270 Nancy, Gunth 271 Nancy, Gunth 272 Nancy, Gunth 273 Nancy, Gunth 274 Nanteuil-le-Haudouin Narbonne, old cathedral, 19th c. Neuilly-sur-Seine, Saint Pierre, Vincent de Paul and children Neuville-les-Dames, SVdP Nice, major seminary Nice, Saint Pierre d'Arene Nice, seminary Nogent-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) Oereyluy (Landes) Onard (Landes) Orgelet-le-Bourget, Jura Ossé (Doubs), Saint-Sulpice Osse en Aspe Osse-en-Aspe (Pyr-Atl), Vincent de Paul, children Ozourt (Landes) Palneca, Corsica Pau window 1 Pau window 2 Payzac (Dordogne), Vincent, children Pen Bron, Chapel Peyrehorade, Vincent holding child Pimbo (Landes) Planguenoual (Côtes-d'Armor), SS Pierre, Paul Plouguerneau, Vincent de Paul in Brittany Pons, St Vivien Pont Pean (Ille-et-Villaine) SVdP Window, Sts Peter and Paul Pont-Saint-Esprit, Saint Saturnin Pontmain (Mayenne) Chapelle_Sainte-Anne Pontonx-sur-l'Adour (Landes), VdP, Ste Eugenie, St Caprais Pouy 00-1 Pouy 00-2 Pouy 01, signature Pouy 01 Pouy 02 Pouy 03 Pouy 04 Pouy 05-a Pouy 05 Pouy 06 Pouy 07 Pouy 08 Pouy 09 Pouy 10 Pouy 11 Pouy 12 Pouy 13 Pouy 14 Pouy 15 Pouy 16 Rennes, College SV Richelieu, ND Rieden (Eifel), Vincent de Paul, children Rolbing, St Vincent de Paul Romagnat Saulzet le Chaud, St Avit Rouen, Saint-Godard, complete Rouen, Saint-Godard, detail 2 Rouen, Saint-Godard, detail Rouen, Saint-Godard, study Rougemont-le-Château, Saint-Pierre Roye, St Pierre Sainte-Consorce (Rhone), parish- Saintes, Basilica of Saint-Eutrope Sancerre (Cher), parish Notre-Dame Sarraziet (Landes) Saubrigues Sécheras (Ardeche) Ségonzac, St. Pierre parish Soortes-Hossegor (Landes) Sorbollano, Corsica St André-de-Cubzac, Saint-André-du-Nom-de-Dieu St Cheron, Vincent de Paul St Etienne, cathedral of Saint Charles St Flour, former major seminary St Gorgon (Meurthe-et-Moselle), artist, Joseph Benoit, Nancy, 1922 St Honoré d'Eylau, Vincent de Paul St Julien Beychevelle St Mandé, Notre Dame, Vincent holding child St Martin de Bienfaite la Cressonnière (Calvados) St Maurice-la-Souterraine (Creuse), St. Maurice parish St Maurice, Saint André parish St Quentin (Aisne) Chapelle de la Charite, Chapelle des Patriotes 01 St Quentin, Chapelle de la Charite, Chapelle des Patriotes 02 St Quentin, Chapelle de la Charite, Chapelle des Patriotes 03 St Quentin, Chapelle de la Charite, Chapelle des Patriotes 04, detail St Quentin, Chapelle de la Charite, Chapelle des Patriotes 05, detail St Yaguen (Landes), faceted glass St-Amé (Vosges), artist Gabriel Loire St-Mihiel, abbatial church Stains, N.-D Assomption Stains, Saint Eutrope Ste Colombe (Landes) parish Strasbourg, Sisters of Charity motherhouse Strasbourg, Sisters of Charity Thetieu Jean Lesquibe, 1955 Thorens-Glière (Haute-Savoie). Saint Maurice et Saint François de Sales Tocane, Vincent de Paul preaching Torteron parish Toulouse, 1900 Toulouse, Hotel Dieu, Vincent and Sisters Toulouse, Hotel-Dieu, St-Jacques chapel Toulouse, Immaculée Conception Toulouse, N-D de Lourdes Tourcoing hospital by Claudius Lavergne 19c Loth c 188-a Trensacq (Landes), complete Trensacq, Vincent de Paul and cross Trevoux, Vincent de Paul Turkheim, hospital Urgons (Landes), VdP and Bernadette Soubirous Val de Marne, SV Valfleury, detail, Valfleury, SV and St Benedict Vatan (Indre), St-Laurian church Vaujours (Seine-St.-Denis) Versailles, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul, detail Versailles, St. Louis, Vincent de Paul Verviers, Ste Julienne Vichy 1 Vichy 2 Vichy 3 Vichy 4 Vichy 5 Vichy 6 Vichy 7 Vichy 8 Vichy, St Blaise 1 Vichy, St Blaise 2 Villedieu-les-Poêles, Sainte Trinité de Saultchevreuil Villeloin-Coulangé Villenave, Landes Villepreux, Vincent de Paul Vomécourt-sur-Madon Wimy, St Martin