1101, Vincent de Paul, distributing clothes 1102, Vincent de Paul, two children 1103, engraving of medallion by Collas, after Gatteaux 1104, publicity, Aiguebelle 1105, wedding garment 1106 Le Mans, Campus des Métiers Sainte Catherine Jean-Philippe Gourves, 2024 1107, Sisters of Providence of SVdP, 2013 1108, Béziers, Charitable work 1109, Vincent by Heinrich Lips, a study of a man 1110, Vincent, scowling 1111, Parish bulletin, SVdP, Paris 1112, France 1113 1114 1115 (see 981) 1116, drawing, from St. Sulpice, Paris 1117, Drawing, Vincent and Louise 1118, drawing 1119, Painted panel 1120, Vincent and the slaves 1121, coloring book 1122, holding two children 1123, trilingual 1124, large book 1125, GABZ studio 1126, Beggar asking for alms, Dassonville 1127, Pipe smoker, Dassonville 1128, Sketches for a window 1129, photo of a drawing 1130, two children 1131, with foundling, Sisters 1132, portrait engraving 1133, SVdP and three children 1134, French, hero of humanity 1135, SVdP with Ladies of Charity, Sisters, orphans 1136, receiving an abandoned child 1137, Two children 1138, drawing for windows 1139, drawing for windows, in Paris museums 1140, drawing 1141, after Monsiau 1142. emblem of town of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Gironde) 1143, portrait engraving 1144, Vincent to leave Tunis with his owner 1145, Commercial photo 1146, French, Spanish texts 1147, after Monsiau 1148, Presenting foundlings to Ladies of Charity 1149, Heroes of southern France 1150, youth ministry