Bagnacavallo RA, Society SVdP Benevento, frontispiece, rules of Confraternity of Charity 1744 Bergamo, Accademia Carrara. by Bonvicini, Bart. Bisceglie, parish logo Bologna, parish logo Bologna, Vincent helping the poor Cagliari, VdP teaching catechism to children Cagliari, VdP with crucifix Cagliari, VdP, pencil drawing Catania, pilgrimage to Lourdes Feltre, drawing Ferrara, by Andrea Bolzoni, Blessed VdP Florence diocese, Blessed Vincent, CM house, Florence engraving Imola diocese, by Ottaviani, and Sortini, Vision at Mass Italy 001, Blessed Vincent de Paul contemplating crucifix Italy 002, Blessed Vincent de Paul, bust, 1729 Italy 003, Blessed Vincent de Paul, Ristretto 2 Italy 004, Vincent de Paul and Common Rules Italy 005, Vincent de Paul and crucifix, 1837 Italy 006, Vincent de Paul and crucifix Italy 007, Vincent de Paul and poor man in snow Italy 008, Vincent de Paul at prayer, Ristretto 1738 Italy 009, Vincent de Paul blessing a Missioner Italy 010, Vincent de Paul engraving, seated Italy 011, Vincent de Paul holding crucifix Italy 012, Vincent de Paul or Ignatius Loyola, by Francesco Zucarelli Italy 013, Vincent de Paul or Philip Neri Italy 014, Vincent de Paul oval Italy 015, Vincent de Paul preaching in country Italy 016, Vincent de Paul preaching to country people, 1737 Italy 017, Vincent de Paul preaching to country people Italy 018, Vincent de Paul preaching to country people Italy 019, Vincent de Paul preaching, with crucifix, about 1737 Italy 020, Vincent de Paul with crucifix, oval, Italian Italy 021, Vincent de Paul with crucifix, oval, Latin Italy 022, Vincent de Paul with Holy Family Italy 023, Vincent de Paul with Sts. Francis de Sales, Frances de Chantal Italy 024, Vincent de Paul, 1777 Italy 025, Vincent de Paul, artist Carmelo Raco Italy 026, Vincent de Paul, book cover, Bougaud Italy 027, Vincent de Paul, book cover, Luca Magnani Italy 028, Vincent de Paul, book cover, Redier biography Italy 029 Italy 030, Copy of Bracci Italy 031, Vincent de Paul, bust, Ristretto Italy 032, Vincent de Paul, bust Italy 033, Vincent de Paul, captive Italy 034, Vincent de Paul, contemplates crucifix Italy 035, Vincent de Paul, crucifix, angels Italy 036, Vincent de Paul, crucifix, book Italy 037, Vincent de Paul, crucifix Italy 038, Vincent de Paul, Daughters of Charity approval Italy 039, Vincent de Paul, engraving from Bracci statue Italy 040, Vincent de Paul, Ladies of Charity Italy 041, Vincent de Paul, long hair Italy 042, Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, child Italy 043, Vincent de Paul, Ristretto frontispiece 1738 Italy 044, Vincent de Paul, Roman Missal, feast day Italy 045, Vincent de Paul, shepherd Italy 046, Vincent de Paul, vision of Francis de Sales, Jane Francis de Chantel Italy 047, Vincent de Paul, vision of globes, 1780 Italy 048, Vincent de Paul, Volpi drawing Italy 049, Vincent de Paul, with book, 1833-34 Italy 050, Vincent de Paul, with crucifix Italy 051-1, Vincent de Paul, with motto Italy 051-2, 1802 Italy 052, Vincent de Paul, two children Italy 053, joining the Ladies of Charity, Rome, 1845 Italy 054, undated frontispiece Italy 055 (see 054) Italy 056 Italy 057 Italy 058 Italy 059 Italy 060, Guardassoni Italy 061, Palermo Italy 062 Italy 063 Italy 064 Italy 065 Italy 066, tercentenary Italy 067, tercentenary Italy 068 Italy 069, prayer card Italy 069 Italy 070, first day cover Italy 072 Italy 073 Italy 074, San Vincenzo De Paoli, 1991 Italy 075, Tercentenary Italy 076 Italy 077 Italy 078 Italy 079, Bibliotheca Angelica Italy 080 Italy 081, Vincent de Paul, Bracci model Italy 082, logo Italy 083, book cover Italy 084, comics, 1979, drawings by Noel Gloesener Italy 085, from film Monsieur Vincent Italy 086 Italy 087 Italy 088, by Domenico Volpi Book cover Italy 089, with foundlings in cribs Italy 090, Blessed VdP Italy 091, VdP with Francis de Sales and Jeanne Françoise de Chantal Italy 092, pen and ink, dated 1846 Italy 093, SVdP distributing bread to the poor Italy 094 Italy 095, SVdP preaching at Nom de Jesus hospice Italy 096, for children Italy 097 Italy 098 Italy 099, anniversary Italy 100, SVdP as Good Samaritan Italy 101 Italy 102, see 074 Italy 103, calendar page Italy 104 Italy 105, book cover Italy 106, preaching Italy 107, Friuli engraving, Devéria, Jean-Marie, 19th c. Italy, 107, Blessed VdP Italy, 108 Italy, 109 Italy, 110, Morality in Action Italy, 111, draft drawing Lecce, Vincent de Paul and children, detail Lecce, Vincent de Paul, action and contemplation Naples, Breve Ristretto 1751 Naples, Canonization Naples, Vincent de Paul, two children Ortisei 1, Vincent de Paul, model for statue Ortisei, 2, study for a statue Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, engraving Rome, colored engraving in reliquary Rome, General Curia, charcoal drawing Rome, General Curia, drawing of statue Rome, General Curia, Vincent and Louise Rome, Leoniano, Vincent de Paul blesses priests Rome, VdP beatification, 1 Rome, VdP beatification, 2 Rome, VdP beatification, 3 Rome, VdP beatification, 4 Rome, VdP beatification, 5 Rome, VdP beatification, 6 Rome, VdP beatification, 7 Rome, VdP beatification, 8 Rome, VdP beatification, complete Rome, VdP beatification, legend 1 Rome, VdP beatification, legend 2 Rome, VdP canonization, 1737, 1 Rome, VdP canonization, 1737, 2 Rome, VdP canonization, 1737, 3 Rome, VdP canonization, 1737, 4 Rome, VdP canonization, 1737, 5; engraving in Imola diocese Rome, Vincent de Paul beatification Rome, Vincent de Paul seated Rome, Vincent de Paul, canonization Siena, DC house Trent diocese, lithograph, hand colored Turin engraving Turin, series, Daughters of Charity in hospital Turin, series, taking chains of a prisoner Turin, series, Vincent de Paul dying Turin, series, Vincent de Paul giving rules Turin, series, Vincent de Paul with Louise de Marillac Turin, series, young Vincent de Paul giving alms Turin, series, young Vincent de Paul praying Turin, VdP with Ladies of Charity Turin, Vincent de Paul deathbed Turin, Vincent de Paul flees Tunis Turin, Vincent de Paul takes chains of prisoner Turin, Vincent de Paul with Anne of Austria, courtiers Turin, Vincent de Paul, aiding flood victims Turin, Vincent de Paul, orphans, Sisters, Ladies