Austria France Germany Italy Madagascar Poland Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic Spain USA 000 Introduction Albania, Rreshen, Vincent and child Albania, Rreshen, Vincent de Paul Australia, Ashfield, St. Vincent church Australia, Ashfield, Sydney, Vincent and children Australia, Marsfield, Sydney, Vincent and children Australia, Vincent de Paul and children Australia, Vincent de Paul, aboriginal 2 Australia, Vincent de Paul, aboriginal art 1 Belarus, Minsk cathedral Belgium, Antwerp Belgium, Beez, Vincent and poor family Belgium, Ghizeghem, Vincent and Ladies, detail Belgium, Ghizeghem, Vincent and Ladies Belgium, Leopold Delbeke Belgium, VdP and poor Belgium, Vincent de Paul with two children Brazil 01 Brazil 02 Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Calafate parish Brazil, Belo Horizonte, DC home Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Merciful Father parish Brazil, by Alexander Pacheco Brazil, Caraça Brazil, Contagem parish Brazil, Mariana Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, DC museum Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Parish of SVdP, Engenho da Rainha Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, SV College, watercolor Brazil, São Paulo, Vincent with children Canada, NS, Halifax Canada, QC, Montreal, VdP consoling an elderly man Chile, La Florida, SVdP Church Chile, Vincent de Paul in Latin America Colombia, Medellin hospital chapel Colombia, Medellin Colombia, Villa Paul, Monsiau version Colombia, Villa Paul Costa Rica, Heredia, artist, Hugo Sanchez, 2012 Croatia 01, Zagreb jpg Croatia 02, Zagreb Croatia 03, Zagreb, Vincent de Paul Croatia 04 Cuba, Havana, cemetary mural Cuba, Havana, La Milagrosa, mural Cuba, Havana, René Portocarrero Cuba, Havana, Vincent and poor Cuba, Havana, Vincent de Paul on galley Cuba, Vincent de Paul with poor children Denmark, Copenhagen, VdP consoles Louis XIII, edited Denmark, Copenhagen, VdP consoles Louis XIII England, Kent thrift store England, London, Sacred Heart Church, Vincent de Paul triptych England, London, Vincent de Paul head, after old bust England, Mill Hill, Vincent and child England, Mill Hill, Vincent de Paul portrait England, Westminster Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, VdP and his works 1 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, VdP and his works 2 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Vincent de Paul and saints 1 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Vincent de Paul and saints 2 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Vincent de Paul column 1 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Vincent de Paul column 2 Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Vincent de Paul Greece, painted wood panel Greece, Thessalonika, chapel mural Greece, Thessalonika, Vincent de Paul, Capuchin Guatemala, Antigua, Vincent de Paul with children Guatemala, Antigua, Vincent de Paul, with Sisters, children Guatemala, VIncent de Paul and clergy Guatemala, Vincent de Paul and soldiers Guatemala, Vincent de Paul distributing food Hungary, Budapest, Vincent with Louise, Sisters, orphans Hungary, Szent Janos, mural Hungary, Szob, Cabuchet model Hungary, Szob, death of Vincent Hungary, Szob, Vincent and a child Hungary, Vincent, children India, Calcutta, CM House India, painting with flower decorations India, Vincent de Paul and poor man Indonesia, Society SVdP Indonesia, VdP with three children Ireland, Castleknock chapel Ireland, Castleknock, Gondi children Ireland, Castleknock, with poor Ireland, Four saints Ireland, Vincent de Paul teaching Gondis Jamaica, Kingston, Vincent Kenya, Nairobi Latvia, Illuksta, Vincent, children, Sisters Latvia, Kraslava 1 Lebanon, Antoura, Vincent de Paul Lebanon, Beirut, Vincent de Paul blessing Lithuania, All Saints 2 Lithuania, VdP preaching Lithuania, Vilnius Cathedral Lithuania, Vilnius, All Saints 1 Lithuania, Vilnius, former CM church, Council of Conscience Lithuania, Vilnius, former CM church, deathbed of Louis XIII Lithuania, Vilnius, former CM church, SVdP teaching Lithuania, VIlnius, former CM church Madagascar, Incarnate Love Madagascar, Tolagnaro mural Mexico, Oaxaca cathedral, SV with infant Mexico, Ocotlan de Morelos, Sto Domingo church Mexico, Vincent de Paul blesses his works Mexico, Vincent de Paul helps poor man Mexico. Guanajuato museum Netherlands, Nijmegen Netherlands, Panningen, Mortuary chapel, with Latin text Netherlands, Panningen, Mortuary chapel Netherlands, Rotterdam, Mural, in Cuypershuis, SVdP at deathbed of Louis XIII Netherlands, Vincent de Paul and children Netherlands, Vincent de Paul holding child Netherlands, Vincent de Paul, child Nicaragua, León Panama, Vincent de Paul supports the poor Peru, Chiclayo, mural detail Peru, Chiclayo, mural Peru, Ica, sign Peru, Lima, CM house Peru, Lima, DC province, Vincent blessing his works Peru, Lima, mural detail Peru, Lima, parish mural Peru, Lima, Vincent and children Peru, Lima, Vincent de Paul Peru, Vincent de Paul with poor children Peru, watercolor 1, original Peru, watercolor, 2 Philippines, Manila, Adamson University mural Philippines, Manila, Vincent de Paul giving Rules Philippines, Quezon City, Vincent de Paul visits sick Philippines, Quezon City, Vincent de Paul Portugal, Evora, 1 Portugal, Evora, 1a, enlarged Portugal, Evora, 2 Portugal, Evora, 3 Portugal, Evora, 3a Portugal, Evora, 4 Portugal, Evora, 5 Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Catherine Labouré, Sacred Heart Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Jesus and Frederic Ozanam Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Louise de Marillac and child Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Vincent and poor Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Vincent, child Slovakia, Bratislava altar piece, Vincent, Louise de Marillac Slovakia, Bratislava, altar piece Slovakia, Bratislava, church interior Slovakia, Bratislava, Vincent de Paul and children Slovakia, Bratislava, Vincentian parish Slovakia, Nitra, photo archives of DC Slovakia, Vincent de Paul with poor Slovenia, Ljubljana, altar, folding doors Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vincent and Louise Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vincent de Paul, Gnidovec Slovenia, Vincent de Paul and Sisters Solomon Islands, Buma, Malaita Switzerland, Vincent de Paul and the poor 1 Switzerland, Vincent de Paul and the poor 2 Tunis cathedral apse 1 Tunis cathedral apse 2 Tunis, cathedral, apse, complete Turkey, Istanbul, St Georg, Vincent blesses his works Turkey, Istanbul, St-Georg, Vincent de Paul Turkey, Istanbul, Vincent de Paul, children Turkey, Izmir cathedral, SV, 1st communion Ukraine, Chernivtsi church Ukraine, Kiev, altar piece Ukraine, Kiev, portable icon Vietnam, Vincent with two children Vincent de Paul 001, and Visitation Sister Vincent de Paul 002, composite Vincent de Paul 003, Mural Vincent de Paul 004, with a child Vincent de Paul 005, with infant, full size Vincent de Paul 006, with infant Vincent de Paul 007, with infant, edited 1 Vincent de Paul 008, with infant, edited 2 Vincent de Paul 009, with infant, edited 3 Vincent de Paul 010, holding a child, Endfelder Vincent de Paul 011, with Sister, poor Vincent de Paul 012, Daughters of Charitgy and poor Vincent de Paul 013, ex voto Vincent de Paul 014, girls and boys Vincent de Paul 015, Louise de Marillac with poor children Vincent de Paul 016, Louise de Marillac, 18th century Vincent de Paul 017, preaching a mission sermon, detail Vincent de Paul 018, VdP and LdM, with children, elderly poor Vincent de Paul 019 Vincent de Paul 020 Vincent de Paul 021 Vincent de Paul 022 Vincent de Paul 023 Vincent de Paul 024 Vincent de Paul 025 Vincent de Paul 026, At the foot of the cross Vincent de Paul 027, after Monsiau Vincent de Paul 028, holding infant, wlaking with a boy Vincent de Paul 029, with Sisters, orphans Vincent de Paul 030, with LdM, children Vincent de Paul 031 Vincent de Paul 032 Vincent de Paul 033 Vincent de Paul 034 Vincent de Paul 035, with Louise, young and old Vincent de Paul 036, detail Vincent de Paul 037, detail Vincent de Paul 038 Vincent de Paul 039, altarpiece Vincent de Paul 040, distributing bread Vincent de Paul 041, 19th century Vincent de Paul 042, girl with red kerchief Vincent de Paul 043, with LdM, two saints Vincent de Paul 044 Vincent de Paul 045, preaching Vincent de Paul 046, three children Vincent de Paul 047, Genoa, Entering heaven Vincent de Paul 048 Vincent de Paul 049, three children Vincent de Paul 050 Vincent de Paul 051 Vincent de Paul 052 Vincent de Paul 053, Children, snow Vincent de Paul 054 Vincent de Paul 055, repaired Vincent de Paul 056, mural Vincent de Paul 057 Vincent de Paul 058 Vincent de Paul 059 Vincent de Paul 060, wall painting Vincent de Paul 061, Study, Vincent receives foundlings Vincent de Paul 062, with Louise de Marillac, poor woman Vincent de Paul 063, altarpiece Vincent de Paul 064 Vincent de Paul 065 Vincent de Paul 066, shown bald Vincent de Paul 067, with St. Francis Xavier Vincent de Paul 068, with Louise de Marillac Vincent de Paul 069, with Louise de Marillac, children Vincent de Paul 070, with 9 children