Anniversary, Louise and Vincent, with youth Bydgoszcz, Vincent de Paul at Nom-de-Jesus Bydgoszcz, Vincent de Paul blessing priests Bydgoszcz, Vincent de Paul on battlefield Bydgoszcz, Vincent de Paul preaching Bydgoszcz, Vincent de Paul, Tuesday Conferences Chelmno, Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Cath. Laboure Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Vincentian house Krakow, Bl. Aniela Salawa parish Krakow, Immaculate Conception Church, Vincent de Paul preaching Krakow, Immaculate Conception, detail Krakow, Kleparz. Vincent de Paul with poor Krakow, Stradom, Vincent before Sacred Heart Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and bishops Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and silver stole 2 Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and silver stole Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and soldiers Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and two children, detail Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and two children, variation Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul and two children Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul at prayer Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul blessing Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul with angels Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul with children Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul with three children Krakow, Stradom, Vincent de Paul, two children Krakow, Stradom, Vincent holding children Krakow, ul. Św. Filipa 19, Vincent de Paul teaching Krakow, ul. Św. Filipa 19, Vincent with priests, Sisters Krakow, Vincent de Paul with seminarian Lublin, diocesan seminary, Viaticum of VIncent de Paul Lublin, Diocesan seminary, Vincent and Visitation Lublin, diocesan seminary, Vincent de Paul in glory Lublin, Diocesan seminary, Vincent preaching Lublin, St. Elias church, VdP carrying a child Lublin, ul. Staszica 16, Vincent de Paul and Sisters Lublin, ul. Staszica 16, Vincent de Paul, Ladies, Sisters Poland 01, Vincent de Paul and two children Poland 02, Vincent de Paul blessing child Poland 03, Vincent de Paul holding child Poland 04, Vincent de Paul preaching, BW Poland 05, Vincent de Paul preaching, edited Poland 06, Vincent de Paul preaching Poland 07, Vincent de Paul with bread for poor Poland 08, Vincent de Paul with poor (detail) Poland 09, Vincent de Paul with poor, complete Poland 10, Vincent with two children Poland 11, altarpiece Poland 12, Vincent with boy Poland 13, Vincent de Paul, with Sisters, children Poland, Krakow Natl Mus, images Przeworsk, Daughters of Charity house, fresco Przeworsk, Daughters of Charity house, Vincent with children Przewoz, Vincent de Paul aids poor Skwierzina, St. Nicolas parish Sopot, Vincent de Paul and infants Tarnow, CM house, triptych Tarnow, CM house, Vincent blessing first Missioners for Poland Tarnow, CM parish, Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Polish saints Tarnow, triptych, right panel Tarnow, triptych, with Vincentian laity Tarnow, Vincent de Paul and young missioner Tarnów, Vincent de Paul blesses sick Tarnów, Vincent de Paul with kneeling students Tarnow, Vincent de Paul with saints Tykocin 1 Tykocin 2 Warsaw, composite with crucifix Warsaw, Daughters of Charity provincial house, Vincent and poor Warsaw, Daughters of Charity provincial house, Vincent de Paul, children Warsaw, Daughters of Charity provincial house, Vincent preaching Warsaw, Holy Cross church Warsaw, Holy Cross, Vincent in glory Warsaw, Holy Cross, Vincent preaching Zbójna, altar painting